facebook posts

Here you can see an excerpt of our public relations in English from our HNC facebook page. To read more posts, visit our facebook page. If you would like to post something on our facebook page, please feel free to contact us. To do so, use our contact form or give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you!
Newcomer’s Orientation is back!

Newcomer’s Orientation is back!

After a break of a few years, the newcomer’s orientation is back. In cooperation with FFS (Force Support Squadron), Host Nation Council Spangdahlem e.V. organized a very special tour for the newcomers of Spangdahlem Air Base.

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Association news

Host Nation Council Spangdahlem e.V. always keeps you up to date with current information about the association in this section!

Posts from our facebook page

Here you get an insight into our public relations on facebook and we show you our current facebook-posts.

Association work in retrospect

To give you an overview of our work, we have compiled the most interesting events for you here.

Press section

Press articles and publications about Host Nation Council are presented here.