facebook posts
Host Nation Council Representation now at Club Eifel!
Host Nation Council Representation now at Club Eifel! Come and say hello to Nicki Tuesdays from 11am to 2pm and Wednesdays from 10am to 2pm.
Looking forward to the USAFE band’s Christmas concert
This year, the USAFE band’s Christmas concert will take place on December 10th in the Bitburg town hall. Host Nation Council Spangdahlem e.V. is pleased to financially support this musical experience.
Meeting of the honorary commanders with the commanders of Spangdahlem Air Base
Host Nation Council Spangdahlem e.V. invited the commanders of Spangdahlem Air Base, the honorary commanders, the Community Relations Office and its board members to the festival barn of the Billen family in Kaschenbach last Friday.
Newcomer’s Orientation is back!
After a break of a few years, the newcomer’s orientation is back. In cooperation with FFS (Force Support Squadron), Host Nation Council Spangdahlem e.V. organized a very special tour for the newcomers of Spangdahlem Air Base.
Visit of the Stefan-Andres-Gymnasium to Spangdahlem Air Base
Stefan-Andres-Gymnasium Schweich visited Spangdahlem Air Base on September 5, 2024.
Great response – State Volunteer Day 2024 in Bitburg
On September 8th 2024, a very special event took place in Bitburg with the state’s Volunteer Day.
9/11 Never forgotten
Host Nation Council Spangdahlem e.V. also commemorates the September 11 attacks.
Association news
Host Nation Council Spangdahlem e.V. always keeps you up to date with current information about the association in this section!
Posts from our facebook page
Here you get an insight into our public relations on facebook and we show you our current facebook-posts.
Association work in retrospect
To give you an overview of our work, we have compiled the most interesting events for you here.
Press section
Press articles and publications about Host Nation Council are presented here.